1.10 Personal Responses

1.10 Form personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.

This semester you will need to complete 6 responses to texts that you have chosen yourself. You must respond to at least 2 novels (or other extended texts like biographies or novellas) and you may not respond to more than 2 visual texts (eg: films or short films, documentaries, etc). A selection of short stories and poems is available in class. Check with Mrs Mitchell to see if your self-selected texts are appropriate.

Your response must include:

  • the title of the text
  • the author or director
  • a short summary of the plot
  • an idea (or ideas) that you found in the text
  • quotes or specific details from the text to support the ideas you have found
  • an explanation of how those ideas apply to you
  • and how they apply to the wider world.

You may find it useful to use the following writing frame to help structure your response.

1.10 Reading Response Frame

Your final overall grade will be based on the top 4 marks out of the 6 responses received.

This standard is worth 4 Credits.


Achievement with Merit 

Achievement with Excellence 

• Form personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.

• Form convincing personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.

• Form perceptive personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.

In order to be perceptive and gain excellence, try to think genuinely about the ideas you find in the text. Give real life examples from you own experiences in your response. Be candid and honest. Think deeply about how the issues in the book apply to what is being experienced by you now, by people in the world today, or historically. How might the ideas from the text apply to the future? Humanity? Your own family or neighbourhood? Be specific as you outline examples or draw conclusions.

Here is a link to the standard:



More advice on how to complete the standard:


You must read 2 novels (or other extended texts, e.g. biographies or other non-fiction extended texts) and 4 other texts. From the remaining 4 – only 2 can be visual or oral texts. So, no more than 2 films.

Short story options:

On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter


The Sniper by Liam O’Flaherty
